TV Ad: Bolla

Jamie Barrett / Matt Hofherr / Todd Eisner / Daisy Serafini / Conor Duignan / Colleen Ridder / Marianne Lawlor / Mike Rhinehart / Chris Snyder / Sunny Kim / Bruno Garcia / Adriano Gonfiantini
Television Production / Storyboarding / Art Direction
Tools used
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please scroll to explore — please scroll to explore —
please scroll to explore — please scroll to explore —

We produced this 30s ad in conjunction with Barrett Hoefher, a leading creative agency in San Francisco, and Landia, one of the best production studios in Latin America, to launch Bolla in our test market, Brazil.

The creative pitch we developed needed to emphasize the outsider, risk-taking mentality of betting, traits that resonated well with the Brazil market. We aimed for a simple, impactful, underground/hype vibe inspired by rap videos and streetwear culture.

We shot the video in a Sao Paulo warehouse, remotely directing the production from our San Francisco offices. The ad aired on Brazilian TV right in time for the World Cup at the end of 2022.


TV Ad: Bolla